ORCID Partnership and API Keys
The Libraries lead partnerships with ORCID overall, and support the API Keys. Currently, two of five keys are in use, with one for the LibraryPress@UF system for online journals and the other by the UF Office of Research.
- Register for an ORCID and/or connect it to UF: https://research.ufl.edu/orcid.html
- Enter your research outputs and biographical information manually or using ORCID’s automated import tool.
- Use your ORCID when you apply for grants, submit publications, or share your CV.
For help registering for an ORCID iD, please contact ORCIDhelp@research.ufl.edu or AskARCS@ufl.libanswers.com.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is both a standard and a service to help researchers establish and maintain their scholarly identity. ORCID helps distinguish researchers with similar or identical names, differences in spellings or translations of names across languages, and changes in their name or affiliations over their career. ORCID aims to prevent name confusion in digital collections of publications or databases. ORCIDs assign unique and persistent identifiers and manages records of researchers and their research activities including scholarly works, affiliations, and funding. ORCIDÂ iDs are available to any scholar who is interested. The iD is a randomly-assigned, sixteen-digit number that uniquely distinguishes a researcher from all others in the world.
ORCID iDs are the Most Effective Scholar Identifiers
- Global (they work around the world)
- Persistent (they identify you over your career regardless of your affiliation or employment status)
- Respects privacy (iD holders are free to set their profile information to be as public or as private as desired)
- Portable (they go with you when or if you leave UF)
- Anonymous and secure (the 16-digit numeric identifier is randomly generated—no connection to age, nationality, place of origin, gender, or any other personal attribute)
- Interoperable (they work both in open information systems across the Internet and in private systems used by a particular university, publisher, agency, etc.)
- Not-for-profit (they are an international standard that representatives from both commercial and not-for-profit sectors have agreed to use, so their systems can work together for the greater good)
- Platform-agnostic, discipline-neutral, and publisher-independent (they work for everyone, regardless of field, publishing preferences, or preferred computing operating system)
- Free to acquire or maintain. ORCID is a not-for-profit organization.
For more information on ORCID iDs visit the UF Library Guides.